Skills Academy

A place to train and work...

The N.R.G Academy

Skills for our growth markets will be developed via a Skills Academy delivering training and employment. The N R G Academy. – Plans to subcontract from Working Wales.

Our Academy recruits will work on a range of community enterprise contracts. The programme The Skills TIME Academy provides a range of paid and voluntary placements and covers learning in a range of community services :-
Environmental improvements
Up cycling
Vegetation control
DIY repair and maintenance of homes
Maintenance of PV
Cleaning services.
Grow your own veg
Marketing local produce, marketing products through E shops
Retail of products made


Staff costs are the number ONE cost of most employers.
Heating, lighting and building costs are the second placed expense.
With these costs covered. Our Academy is able to provide meaningful practical work opportunities for economically inactive participants while providing a robust service for local people.
This practical experience aims to enable skills participants to progress to further learning, mainstream employment or self-employment.

Where might it be?

Skills Academy – Location -
Suggested Racybytes Hall and Old Bowls combined for practical use.
Smyrna Chapel added facility for theoretical learning, exams and 121 assessments.

The inclusion of research opportunities and partnerships with established academic institutions means the latest technologies are operating in our village.

Sustainable Energy - is the key fundamental principle of the project, its success is based on utilising technology, investment, solar PV, hydro and emerging technologies.
There is an added opportunity to make the NRG Academy an active building enabling the facility to run at neutral cost.

The inclusion of Power Houses / Active Homes for vulnerable members of our community is one of the new technologies that enable us to eradicate fuel poverty.

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